Welcome to the teenage page for the Awakening.  The Awakening Board endeavors to create programs for you that are informative, stimulating and challenging.


The first thing for you to do is to remember to relax and enjoy the beach and the incredible Cloister surroundings.  This weekend works best on a dialogue basis and there will be plenty of times to ask questions or challenge an issue.  Experts who will be shaping the future will be attending Awakening so listen; be informed and make a difference.  All the adult sessions are open for teenagers to attend but there are many sessions and events that are designed for teens.


Friday, January 7


9:15 p.m.                      Teenagers’ Movie (Ages 12 and Up)

                                 Meet outside the Cloister Pavilion for transportation.

                                 (Teens will be dropped off at their rooms after movie.)


Saturday, January 8


8:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.                        Session I



                                                       Mars, Space Potentials

                                                    Dr. Sallie Baliunas, Astrophysicist, Harvard

                        Walt Cunningham, Colonel, retired, USMCR, former astronaut



10:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                     Session II



                                                       Low Country Memories

                                                  Water Color Creating

                                                       Millie Wilcox


                                                 St. Simons, Georgia


                                                         A Decisive Adventure

                                    Letterboxing…An International Scavenger Hunt

                                                            Sea Island, Georgia




1:50 p.m.-3:55 p.m.                       Session III


                                      From Dixie’s Diner to the White House

                                 All You Ever Need to Know About Table Etiquette

                                                            Carolyn Luesing

                                                President, Carolyn Luesing & Associates

                                                            Atlanta, Georgia



                                          Second Amendment Practice

                                          Clay Target Shooting

                         Jon Kent, Jeff Thomas, Jake Duncan, Jimmy Duncan

                                         Sea Island Shooting Instructors

                                         Sea Island, Georgia



6:30 p.m.                                      Reception


7:00 p.m.                              Black Tie Dinner


9:00 p.m.                          Dancing in the Ocean Room



Sunday, January 9


7:45 a.m.                      Christ Episcopal Church Service

                                 One of the Oldest Churches in America 


9.00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                      Session IV


                                           Time with the General

                                    Some Directions for Living Life

                                        General Chuck Krulak

                                     Ages 6-18 (No Adults Allowed)


11:00 a.m.                                       Brunch


1:00 p.m.                 Awakening Concludes